Additional Services Offered at Onyx
We are grateful to be able to offer these independent services at Onyx Wellness.
Reiki is the Japanese practice of energy healing and unblocking
that moves to the root of things to allow your energy to flow
it asks the question ‘what needs to be healed?’
Our bodies and energetic fields hold onto everything and sometimes we just need a little help to become aware of and release those things. Reiki helps get into those spaces to reveal and loosen what you might not know is affecting your life. While there is some immediate relief, Erinn's practice of reiki is gentle and paced by what your body and soul needs. We might clear something in one session or it might be a slower process of unraveling if it’s deeply entangled in you.

Benefits of Reiki:
Relieved stress & tension
Reduced Anxiety & Depression
Encourages Mental Clarity
Improved Self-Esteem & self-awareness
Balances Energy centers
Improves sleep
Soothes digestion
Promotes Health & wellbeing
Aids with Pain management and offers support for recovery.
Most people find it very relaxing and refreshing.